As you can see, Art Massacre's experienced another face lift... It happens as you get older -- I guess. The important thing is to make the new template feel loved, so lets all show some love to AM and get posting some art!
And also, I'm posting kinda late -- but I now present to you, the Annual Halloween Chaellenge! Everybody is already going to be drawing some mummys, pumpkins, ghosts, witches, etc, so it's a rather easy topic -- just post something Halloween related between the 1st - 31st, and you could win! Win what you ask? The winner of the Halloween
Challenge gets their piece/drawing to become the header of Art Massacre for a while, and also gets inducted into the Halloween Challenge Hall Of Fame. The winner will be announced Halloween night, so there is plenty of time to post!
Hope to see some amazing art from everyone, Happy Halloween, and remember: Think, imagine, and create... But most of all, draw your mind.